Leven Thumps Wiki

Tatum Inc. is a manufacturer of "a variety of products".


Tatum Inc. produces plastics, wooden toys, handles for yard tools, indoor fans, outdoor chairs, rugs, doll body parts, and seven types of garden hoses. Their most popular product was an outdoor grill that flipped the meat for you. A small part of the company creates wooden paint stirring paddles, popsicle sticks and toothpicks.


Leven Thumps and the Gateway to Foo

A driver from Tatum Inc. stops by Frank Welt's lumberyard to pick up its order of wood. This includes the living heart of Geth. While at the factory, Geth is doused in cold chemicals and then super-heated in a furnace. Powerless to resist, he falls from the conveyor belt into the company's grinder. All the light's flickered causing workers to ponder what had just transpired. This event was the cause of the division of Geth's personality into two toothpicks. Geth and Ezra. While Geth retained all of his good, admirable and optimistic qualities, Ezra was stuck with all the anger, confusion and hatred possessed by the lithen.
